The period of the managers who control everything and try to impose something is finishing, nowadays. The way to be a good manager now is to move from being modesty, understanding, to being safe and courageous. Here are the secrets of good managers and strong teams …

Good and bad managers have passed through all of us business life. Some of them are fair, motivating, the ones that make their employees do the best, others are inexperienced, stressed and spoiled morality and not suitable for the team work.

Life Coach and Gestalt Therapist Céline Ricocé says that managerial positions are very sensitive. “Unconsciously, we can reconcile some of our executives with the figures of authority in our lives. A manager is loved by some employees and some of them are not in the same frequency. The perfect boss whom everyone will love is, of course, impossible, but it’s possible that they have features that appeal to the majority.

A good manager knows what He is capable of

Most of the administrators do not know what to do when they come to this place. They fulfill someone else, they want to take more responsibility, and they are promoted because they are experts in their field. However, having come to this position does not mean they know how to manage their employees. Well, why do we become managers? How do we get ready to come to this position? It is of course inevitable to ask these questions.

Expert Psychological Counselor Zeynep Balcı, says “a good manager, knows very well that his work is human. He communicates with people who is  paying attention to human relationships, emotions, common values, individual differences and common pays.” A good manager can demonstrate leadership, supportive, instructive, and developer leadership skills in accordance with the situation and personality.”

Selim, a senior executive in a pharmaceutical company, says that leading a team is putting an ego on the edge  and becoming “out of me and being us”: “Unfortunately, human nature is inclined to do exactly the opposite and frequently puts its own interests in the foreground. A good manager must analyze his own troubles before he or she is asked to answer the problems of others. ”

In daily life, a manager is responsible for organizing the work done, managing the moments of crisis, making quick decisions, and hiring the right people. These responsibilities can also cause stressful situations. Céline Ricocé underlines that the resolution of this tension is being awareness of its own power and limit.

Instead of reflecting his problems, his fears and frustrations to his employees, the manager should ask to himself, “What annoys me, and makes  me angry? What kind of interest does this have to my authority? ” In doing so, the organization can highlight good aspects and other skills such as communication, forming team spirit, and fighting conflict can be learned and improved over time.

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