These two concepts we often hear in the 21st century business world are often used synonymously.
Is it wrong or is it right?
It is a fact that leadership and management are complementary concepts. But basically they are different from each other.
Both have their own characteristic features. On the other hand, these two concepts are extremely important for success in ever-changing business life.
Leadership is different from management, but this difference is not what most people think.
The difference between the two is much bigger than it seems.
The main difference between a good manager and a good leader is the focus difference.
Good managers look inside. It looks into the company, the differences between the individuals, the styles, the goals, the needs and the motivations of the people.
Good leaders look out. Outside the competition, the future, the alternative ways in front of them …
They place where the resistance is weakest by the advantages they gain from focusing on the whole picture, he finds connections, cracks place where resistance is weakest. Their preconceptions are strong, and they are the kind of strategic thinking and mover people.
Management is related to combating complexity. By one of the greatest developments of the twentieth century; they are interested in the principle of further development of large organizations.
Leadership, on the other hand, struggles with change. In recent years, the business world has become more competitive and more volatile, and this is one of the factors that make the concept of leadership so important.
Good managers are not mini top managers waiting to be leaders. Good leaders are not managers who have developed themselves. The master business of a leader and a manager are different from each other. It is very possible that a person can be a very bright manager and a very bad leader. The reverse is also possible. So, a person can be expected to be a successful leader and sign a failure in management. Of course, a few talented people can be successful in both jobs.
We can list the concepts that define leadership are leadership, initiative, influence, innovation, change, transformation, human relations and volunteerism; frequently used concepts related to management are authority, execution, authority, rules and status quo and et.c.
These two concepts have a dominant value when an institution rises and signs successful works. At this point, what is most important is to bring together the strong leader and the strong manager and ensure that they balance each other.
It may be that an manager or leader does not know all the work carried out by the business as an expert. But a leader must know the market trends, the company’s dynamics, mission and vision, and the company’s reachability. A good leader is idealistic, and it shows only the truth. It must be an honesty and a lead in everything that points to good. Continuously asking questions. There is a questionable way of doing this. He has to do this. Because he has to answer all questions asked. He can not pass or postpone the answers. An effective leader’s information sources must also be robust. He must stay away from the source of information that will freed him.
In the century we live, we need leaders of the next generation, not managers. The development of emerging technology and production systems enables the manager and the leader to change their minds.
Leaders create company programs and goals. It determines the most appropriate factors and analyzes them. And the managers have a duty to implement this design.
Merdivenin sonunda büyük şeyler vadetmek elbetteki idealist yönünün ön plana çıkması demektir. Etkin bir liderde hayalgücü ve kararlılık özelliklerin bulunması gerekiyor. This is one of the most important differences between the manager and the leader. A good manager is responsible for doing things right. A leader does the right thing. The right work is here to do things in the direction of a goal, vision and strategy. The task of a leader make the entire company climb towards the stairs. Having the desired thing at the end of the ladder is enough for a leader to fulfill his task successfully. Of course to offer great things at the end of the ladder means ıts idealistic orientation to come to the foreground. Imagination and stability must be found in an effective leader.