Borned between the years 1980 and 2000, the Y generation has been in business for over 10 years, and now part of them are taking place in managerial positions.
One of the most important items in the business world is to manage and retain the skills of Y generation in the most effective way that has started to move to leadership positions. Turkey Assessment Systems one of the leading companies of testing and assessment, gives clues about how it should be managed the leaders of the future Y generation.
As a reflection of the values and lifelong glances of the Y generation leadership attitudes that shaped the business life of the 21st century also shapes the definition of future leadership.
Y generation wants ” a leader capable of strong bilateral relations”
In the world, the Y generation, which is now the sole owner, consists of 2 billion people. Until 2025, 75 percent of the workforce will be employees of the Y generation. For this reason many different institutions are conducting researches on Y generation. One of these is a study by RW2 Enterprises, a consulting company in America, conducted by CEOs and young executives of 14 famous American companies. The purpose of this investigation is to find the manager of Y generation. According to the results of the research, the most important characteristic that a manager should have for Y generation is the strong bilateral relations. The Y generation is looking for a leader who will inspire every aspect of his life, strong communication skills, and those which include the decision-making process around decision-making and imposition.
In 2020, 50% of the workforce in the United States will be the Y generation
On the other hand, according to the research conducted by the PEW Research Center, one-third employees in the US are consisting of the Y generation and it is estimated that by 2020, 50% of the workforce will form Y generation. Y generation is likely to continue to change the business world rapidly, even if they have been criticized for not being able to work for many years in a fixed job and technology dependencies.
Y generation is open-minded, practical, results-oriented and likes to research
Levent Sevinch, Founder and CEO of Assessment Systems, underlines the fact that Y who is still sitting on the executive desk at the age of 20 is composed of open-minded, practical, result-oriented, trustworthy and research-loving individuals, and he also emphasizes that the Y is a working style of its own, so it is very important for leaders who manage this generation should be adapt to teamwork, manage group decision-making processes, adopt participatory decision-making methods, break themselves from hierarchical relationships, influence non-formal relations and employees.
According to experts, Y generation is confronted as a generation deserving to be exalted. They should optimally combine the effective role and work of team members in teamwork with their own research and development skills; as well as their managers, as well as opportunities for their future leadership skills. How should the Y generation, leaders of the future, be managed? Levent Sevinch, Founder and CEO of Assessment Systems, describes the 5 most effective ways to manage the Y generation.
1. Include everything into business processes
In the future; the leaders who can do team work, absolutely consult other people, take care of what young people think, in short, include all in their business processes will be the most successful leaders. This is also one of the main features they seek in their leaders. Leaders who read only what they know, who make individual decisions, and who overlook the innovations, will remain in history.
2. Be flexible and provide opportunities for employees to communicate comfortably
The Y generation, which is better at knowing technology than the previous generations, is more successful in adapting to it as it can see the speed of change better, loves to work flexibly and adapts all its skills very successfully in the working environment. Experts, who point out that the working environment is much more “human” with the Y generation, emphasizes that this will come even further with the advent of the Z belt. The Y generation regards the presence of the leaders who can communicate comfortably. The official associations of previous generations now leave their place to a more sincere and personal relationship with respect. It is no surprise, therefore, that Y is preferring leaders who can communicate more comfortably.
3.Be open to change
Although Y has a positive impact on the business environment and working style that have been developed in many respects, the conflict environment that arises from older generations should also be emphasized. Working habits are much different; Former generations of patterns, boundaries, and communications that are more established can not meet Y circle often by compassion and change. Change is scary for some. In particular, the leaders from previous generation continue to insist that they know and to resist the change. In such cases it is very important that the leaders who manage the Y-generation are open to change and show resistance in that way.
4. Listen to them
The Y generation attaches great importance to the existence of a leader who provides a deeper understanding of their business life and listens to them. One of the most important details in connecting young and successful employees to the organization is hidden in the leaders who develop a real coaching relationship with the employee. Listening is one of the leading leadership qualities to ask questions and to help employees find their own truths.
5. Get feedback, be transparent
Y Generation cares evaluating their performance. Instead of just evaluating at the end of the year, continuous and transparent feedback is very important for this generation. Regular feedback facilitates the management of the Y generation, while also guiding them on their leadership path.

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